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This night is for Ariel (published on 6/26/18)

It's a strange night. It is a dense calm. Today all Cubans who have notion of what decency is and we know its history, we are in vigil for the life of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola. We remain silent waiting for the ringing of a call or some "beep" announcing the arrival of the message that brings us news of Ariel. It is exasperating and at the same time we are full of hope that at least one glass of light will be poured on him tonight.  We live convulsive moments. We live in moments in which human reasoning has become a hungry, low and ruthless beast capable of consuming any type of beauty in defense of the most absurd of ideologies. We live the times of lack of communication. We live in times of lack of love and respect for the rights of others. The times in which the true value of life, of nature, of harmonious social coexistence, is not taken into account.  Since its inception, decadent Cuban socialist society has increased its repression against all its detractors. Each raised hand, each voice that is sharpened, each step towards what is just, is cut off as a cancerous tumor by cowardice and the fear that it extends beyond what is controllable by the beast.    

Today we do not know if Ariel is still alive or has been murdered. Today we cling only to hope. I want to think that while I write these words, Ariel still breathes in a bed of the "Abel Santa María" hospital. I want to think that his heart still beats. I want to think that it will beat for many years but from now on in freedom. I close my eyes and visualize Ariel, smiling holding a mango in her hand or helping a tortoise walk in the sand, as in one of those many photos that many of us have known and recognize her face. I want to feel that Ariel is alive. Feel that you are torn between life and death but that you will overcome this

I know that your sister is still awake, perhaps outside the hospital in Pinar Del Rio, maybe in Havana, clinging to a hope much greater than mine. Clinging to that idea of ​​Ariel being justly liberated and being allowed to live as the beautiful human being he is, as the brilliant scientist defender of the environment, hero of the sea turtles, unyielding Cuban and defender in the first place, of his beliefs and his principles.  It's a heavy night, it's a sad night. But I think that if Ariel is resisting, we can very well stand and send her our best and most positive thoughts. Let him know: Ariel, we are here. We are all here thinking about what you have done and supporting you. We will not leave you alone nor will we abandon you. To more than one of us you have taught to raise our voice and keep it loud and firm. Be strong Ariel. Cubans who love Cuba and their freedom need you alive. We are with you!    

Dr Jorge González
Just another Cuban


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