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Cuban Intelligence services won't allow visit to Ariel.

On Friday, June 22, a group of friends of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, from inside and outside the island, decided to write letters and notes addressed to him to convince him to stop his hunger and thirst strike and try to live a little longer to continue his fight, our fight. Our letters were sent and printed in Cuba for, through friends of Ariel, take them today, Saturday June 23 and deliver them in the penalty room Abel Santamaría hospital, in Pinal del Rio where he is a prisoner.

For those who do not know, after a long chain of sad events, Ariel, researcher and Doctor of Biological Sciences decided to start a hunger and thirst strike in response to the unjust conviction and treatment he has received from the Cuban authorities. that he was falsely accused of "contempt" and was sentenced to one year in summary judgment on May 8 of this same year (read the full story on this same Blog).

I just received an e-mail from one of these friends on the island where he tells me that this morning, around 6:30 am, just as he was leaving the house with Gorki Águila to visit Ariel, an operative of State Security prevented them from traveling, saying that nobody was authorized to visit him. After a brief conversation the agents agreed to receive the letters to supposedly deliver them to Ariel, saying that maybe they would be delivered tomorrow, or maybe Monday. After this, the operation continued in front of his house for hours to prevent him from leaving there. 
From Havana another friend reports: "I just spoke with Omara, who was returning to the city after visiting him, the prognosis is terrible." He also informs us that Ariel refuses to eat or drink and that, despite the attempts of friends and family, the security of the state has not allowed any message or communication to discourage him. They have blocked all communication channels with him, except his sister. The tyranny is now in a good dilemma: o deliver the letters immediately and perhaps have the hope that Ariel hunger strike thirst, recover and not die, thus avoiding a very serious international political conflict that every hour that passes it gets worse Or do not deliver the letters and let Ariel continue this strike, that if so, it is very possible that he will die. I wonder now how little brains have the managers in charge of the operation against the daily life of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola. How much do they know of the enormous movement that is brewing all over the planet on account of a Machiavellian injustice. Will the managers know that we are collecting their names one by one? Will they know that we are collecting their photos and data one by one? Yes. They know it very well. They know it very well because we know that they have been intervening the e-mails of all those who support Ariel who also want our names. We do not care: I give my name! I give it now: Jorge González. Append it on the blacklist they have. Append it as the name of the main enemy of communism, the Castro-communist-murderous tyranny that has ruled Cuba since 1959.   Do what you want with the letters! Behind Ariel we go many more! And we are many, too many for the few bullets they have left!

Dr Jorge Gonzalez
Un cubano mas.
Dr Jorge Gonzalez
Un cubano mas.


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El día viernes 22 de junio, un grupo de amigos de Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, de dentro y fuera de la isla, decidimos escribir cartas y notas dirigidas a él para convencerlo de detener su huelga de hambre y sed e intentar vivir un poco más para continuar su lucha, nuestra lucha. Nuestras cartas fueron enviadas e impresas en Cuba para, a través de amigos de Ariel, llevarlas en el día de hoy, sábado 23 de junio y entregárselas en la sala de penales del hospital Abel Santamaría, en Pinal del Río donde se encuentra prisionero. Para los que no saben, después de una larga cadena de tristes sucesos, Ariel, investigador y Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas decidió iniciar una huelga de hambre y sed como reacción a la injusta condena y al trato que ha recibido por parte de las autoridades cubanas luego de que se le acusó falsamente de "desacato" y fue condenado a un año en juicio sumario el pasado 8 de mayo de este mismo año  (lea la historia completa aquí) .   Acabo de recibir un e-m...

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