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Cuban Regime won't allow Ariel's sister to see him at the hospital


Omara is NOT allowed to go inside to see her brother in the prison room,
although they told her that Ariel already has no fever and that she is aware and
oriented. They are not putting antibiotics because apparently the
fever was caused by inflammation when Ariel's vein was taken.

They have also denied in that room that Ariel receives the visit of the
Bishop of Viñales. They tell him that to allow him visits he must go to
the prison of Km 5 and 1/2 and talk there with the heads of said prison.
Omara is very tired and worn and also as Ariel is unaware of her
penitentiary penalty, she will assume that he is not imprisoned, that he
he is simply in a hospital and does not have to go to prison
speak nothing.

In my opinion, that bureaucracy, you wait for hours and "peloteo"
It is a mistreatment towards her.

Dr. Valiente, head of the room and who should give him the official part,
Is not found. As they told Omara, Dr. Valiente must enter
to the room at 4:00 p.m. She will be waiting until 4 pm for
ask him:

1- the medical part about Ariel's state of health

2 - that daily the medical part of his brother via
telephone since it is a mistreatment that she lived in Havana and
being sick with cancer, make her travel to the Pinar Hospital
from the river.

3 - Answer the following questions and personally request the Chief of medical services of the prisoner room the following information:

1. State of consciousness

2. Hemodynamic parameters

         Blood pressure

         Peripheral pulse and its characteristics

 3. Body temperature

 4. Whether or not it has a thermal gradient

 5. How much urine in 24h

 6. What is the name and what is the hydration that you are putting and
 through which way

7. What other support measures are taking

8. How is blood chemistry, blood chemistry, gases and ions

If this person refuses to request your name and the reasons for your refusal (this information is important to us), then see the Deputy Director of Medical Assistance and send us your data and we will elaborate complaint resources.

Please spread this news.
Hugs to all.


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