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ENOUGH!!!! (published on 6/19/2018)

(published on 6/19/2018)

A few weeks ago, Dr. Ruiz Urquiola was transferred to a working farm style prison about 13 kilometers south of Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río. The situation inside the prisons in Cuba is so precarious that even being sent to do work in the field is seen as something positive on the part of the prisoners. This gives you the opportunity not only to exercise physically but to breathe pure air out of the cell and take some sunlight which helps the absorption of vitamin D and to avoid conditions such as Osteoporosis and Rickets. At the time I learned of that news, although my first concern is the physical condition of Ariel, and taking into account the precarious diet that is being provided and the enormous effort that work in the field requires, I asked myself: Can Ariel support this type of activity? I told myself that as much as possible Ariel should seize the opportunity and yes, exercise physically in the field through work. I decided not to comment on this blog about the new decision not to give ideas to their jailers. I thought it would be more beneficial in the long run than harmful to him. But apparently also this was what those who, within the Machiavellian communist apparatus, are in charge of trying to break it.

Taking into account that Ariel did not refuse to work and was probably interested in this activity, the managers of the farm decided not to allow him to go outdoors and work as other prisoners are allowed. In the face of such violation, abuse and total disrespect for the human being that Ariel is, on June 17, 2018, Ariel Ruiz Urquiola went on a hunger and thirst strike to protest the outrage against his rights. We have been informed that from that day on he has given all his food to the other prisoners and stated that either he is allowed to work as a prisoner or it will be Nirvana.

How can a social system feel the slightest rejoicing in torturing, humiliating, and trying to kill a human being that has only done to defend the environment beyond any political ideology or command of the island's ruling regime? How much of light is in Cuba's justice system when its most brilliant children end up being imprisoned, outraged and separated from the society that loves them so much? Let the defenders of the regime not be deceived. Let the sicarios of filthy prisons not be deceived. Do not deceive the owners of rotten souls of guilt ... With Ariel we are each and every one of us imprisoned in Pinar de Río. With Ariel we are each and every one of us on hunger and thirst strike. Strike of hunger and thirst for the spirit. Strike of hunger and thirst for light but this is hunger and thirst for freedom. Cuba is on hunger strike and thirst for its son unjustly condemned and imprisoned. As José Martí was when the Spanish crown seized him for his ideals of freedom. Enough of outrage! Freedom for Ariel Ruiz Urquiola NOW !!!

Dr Jorge Gonzalez
Un cubano más.


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