(Published on 6/20/2018)Today marks the third day of the hunger and thirst strike initiated by Dr. Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, a strike that was started as a protest for the violation of their rights while serving an unjust sentence. Ariel has determined that either his rights as a prisoner are respected and he is allowed to work in the camp like the other prisoners or he will continue this strike until the end of his days. Omara, his sister, wrote yesterday a letter to the Attorney General of the Republic explaining the situation and the violations that are being committed in the prison, letting him know that it's been more than two days since this strike began and that they would be the ones responsible for what may happen to Dr. Ruiz Urquiola. I am enclosing a copy of the letter sent by Omara and I sincerely hope that the relevant authorities will intervene in this matter and take measures to eradicate the violations, stop this strike and save who is a valuable Cuban scientist and a great human being. Let the jailers of Ariel know that the international community is following this case closely. Let your jailers know that we are all with our eyes on them. Do not doubt for a moment that we will NOT forget what they are doing and what they are going to do. None of these crimes has to go unpunished.Dr Jorge Gonzalez,Un Cubano mas.
El día viernes 22 de junio, un grupo de amigos de Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, de dentro y fuera de la isla, decidimos escribir cartas y notas dirigidas a él para convencerlo de detener su huelga de hambre y sed e intentar vivir un poco más para continuar su lucha, nuestra lucha. Nuestras cartas fueron enviadas e impresas en Cuba para, a través de amigos de Ariel, llevarlas en el día de hoy, sábado 23 de junio y entregárselas en la sala de penales del hospital Abel Santamaría, en Pinal del Río donde se encuentra prisionero. Para los que no saben, después de una larga cadena de tristes sucesos, Ariel, investigador y Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas decidió iniciar una huelga de hambre y sed como reacción a la injusta condena y al trato que ha recibido por parte de las autoridades cubanas luego de que se le acusó falsamente de "desacato" y fue condenado a un año en juicio sumario el pasado 8 de mayo de este mismo año (lea la historia completa aquí) . Acabo de recibir un e-m...
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