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It hasn't been enough???

The outrage and abuse of the Cuban government against Ariel Ruiz Urquiola and his sister Omara has not been enough. It has not been enough to try to exterminate his professional life, his social life and relegate him to a remote area of ​​Pinar del Río where he lived working as a peasant humbly on a farm. Harassment, accusation, condemnation and imprisonment have not been enough to say what he thinks, defend his beliefs, his right to express himself freely and defend the environment.

They also had to prevent him from going outdoors and working in the field as any other prisoner is allowed. They had to try to break their spirit by ignoring every test of fortitude that Ariel had already given them.

Ariel went on a hunger and thirst strike. And his jailers, rabid with impotence and fearful of his example, returned him to prison and locked him in a dungeon who knows whether to let him die.

And now I ask you. Yes, to you who are reading these words: when you are touched by this case, when your soul trembles at the knowledge of so much injustice, knowing how much helplessness, feeling so helpless, how many of you have asked yourself: Is there something more What can I do to help end once and for all with this cancer that consumes my country? How many, like Ariel, will they have to suffer or die so that we get up at once and put an end to this decadent and degrading regime?

I ask you today at the end of the day, when you put your head on the pillow and look at the ceiling, just before closing your eyes, dedicate a thought to your homeland. Dedicate a thought to your land, the same one where we ride chivichanas in the parks. The same where we play barefoot in the streets. The same where we met the simple happiness of having nothing but our friends and cousins ​​to share. That land of ours has been taken from us. Those who abuse and torture Ariel have taken it away from us. They also took it from our children, who do not know it ...

Ariel is one of those children of ours. He is there and he does not want to be deprived of that Cuban land that he has inside.

Let's raise our voices Let's spread the truth shouting. Let's demand true justice.

FREEDOM for Ariel Ruiz Urquiola!!!!
Dr Jorge Gonzalez
Un cubano mas.


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