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The Murder of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola

As we have been denouncing, Dr. Ariel Ruiz Urquiola began a hunger and thirst strike on June 17, 2018 as a protest for the unjust condemnation to which he has been subjected and the violation of the few rights that prisoners have in Cuba. Today it takes about 4 days without eating or drinking. His physical condition is very delicate at this time.

Although Amnesty International declared him a prisoner of conscience and demanded his immediate release, the lackeys of the island's regime returned him to a dungeon and prohibited him from contacting the outside world in a desperate attempt to hide his deterioration and possible death.

His mother Isabel, managed to be allowed to see him and visited him in the prison of km 5 and 1/2

in Pinar del Río. He tried to convince him to stop the strike but Ariel rejected any possibility and the reason is his freedom.


Let the minions know that if something happens to Ariel, we will find them and we will do justice with each of those involved in this crime. They will fall as each of the Nazis who managed to escape from Europe in 45 fell.

If Ariel dies, he will have been killed and he will have fallen with his morale up.

They will not, they will fall one by one like the rats they are. The day they set foot outside Cuba, we will be waiting for them! And when that regime of opprobrium ends, do not doubt that it will end soon, we will find them!

The list of criminals has already begun to be prepared and will be sent to every corner of this planet. Starting today they will live looking over their shoulders. All the names and their photos are not yet, but I mention them below:

-Sirilo Seara Carrasco (the boss) GUARDABOSQUE

-Alexander Blanco Calzadilla (aka "Sandy") GUARDABOSQUE


-Julio Cesar Catalá Ramírez FISCAL DE VIÑALES


-Orestes Raul Cabrera Villar (JUDE President Provincial Court Pinar del Rio)

-Eloy Rodríguez González (JUDGE)

-Dayana Castañeda Duarte (JUDGE)

-Yunisleiby Barrier Prieto (JUDGE)

Let them be clear! We make them responsible for the life of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola!
Dr Jorge Gonzalez
Un cubano mas.


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